Saturday, May 29, 2010

More on ascension symptoms and transformation

Well....I couldn't have done it any better than my friend Dennis Whitney in writing about what so many of us  are going through right now (some have for quite some time!). Here it is....I hope you enjoy.

Remember, your body is undergoing a major transformation! Be kind and gentle to yourself.

Love ~ Light ~ Blessings !

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Full moon ~ Buddha

May 27th 2010 is the Illumination and Birth of Buddha day, as well as full moon in Sagittarius.

What a special day! Powerful, fiery energies are in full speed, most likely you have been feeling them already for some time. Meditate on the qualities of Sagittarius. What would Sagittarius be telling you at this time? Sagittarius is a visionary and sees the good in all, no matter what. Sagittarius always aim for the vision, and trailblazes towards it. There is some good stuff going on right now! the energies are hot and crackling and now is the time so by all means, Go for it! As they say; Time is of Essence.

And may the gentle illuminating energies of Buddha flow in to everyone's hearts...May we all be filled with Peace and Harmony, and meditate and focus on our loving bright intentions for a New Golden Age, our Ascension and send Love and Light to our beloved Mother Earth. Focus on the Light, stay in the Light and raise your frequency as much as you possibly can. Know that you are never alone, you are lovingly guided and watched over always...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sound of Healing


Dear friends, I have not forgotten you! Please enjoy this wonderful attunement.

Love ~ Light ~ Blessings

Note....I noticed the youtube link is not showing on top, however if you move your mouse on the page above my writing it shows up. Not sure what is going on?