Monday, June 28, 2010

Pineal Gland ~ Your Crystal Palace

I wanted to share something that I have found quite effective and enlightening. It's the Pineal Glad Attunement by The Hathors. But before I go on to the pineal gland..... Who are The Hathors? you ask....well, here's an introduction by The Hathors themselves, through Tom Kenyon, who channels their messages.

We are the Hathors. We come in love and with the sounding of a new dream reality for your earth. If you are ready to build the new world, we invite you to join us on a journey of the mind and heart. We are your elder brothers and sisters. We have been with you for a very long period of your evolution on this planet. We were with you in eons past – even in the forgotten days before any trace of us is known in your present written history. Our own nature is energetic and interdimensional. We originally came from another universe by way of Sirius which is a portal to your Universe, and from Sirius we eventually proceeded to your solar system and the etheric realms of Venus.

In the past we have specifically worked with and through the Hator fertility goddess of ancient Egypt. We also made contact with Tibetan lamas in the formative period of Tibetan Buddhism. Although we have interacted with some of Earth’s early cultures, we are an intergalactic civilization with outposts that span parts of your known Universe and beyond.

We are what you might term an ascended civilization – a group of beings existing at a specific vibratory field, even as you have an energy signature. It is simply that we vibrate at a faster rate than you. Nonetheless, we are all part of the mystery, part of the love that holds and binds all the universe together.

We have grown as you have grown, ascending to the One Source of all that is. We have grown in joy and through sorrow, as have you. We are, in terms of the vastness, a little higher on the spiral of awareness and consciousness than you are; therefore, we can offer you what we have learned as friends, mentors and fellow travelers on the path that leads back to remembrance of All That Is.

We are not saviors; we’re not messianic. We want to clearly step out of that projection so that the reader understands that we are simply elder brothers and sisters offering our understanding and what we have learned. You may take it or leave it but we offer it freely. In our understanding, the belief that different alien intelligences are going to save you, is just a projection of human unconsciousness. The hope that someone or something will save you, that you will not have to make any changes in yourself, that you will not have to be responsible, is unrealistic.

The belief that you can stay in patterns of lethargy and unconsciousness, then take something or have something given to you that will transform you without any effort on your part, is sheer folly. It won’t happen. Now, there may be alien intelligences that land, for they certainly exist, but those humans who count on others to bring in their ascension and elevation without any work on their part, are going to be very disappointed.

Ascension is a process of self-awareness and mastery on all levels and it necessitates bringing all those levels of one’s existence upward. That is how we see it and that is how we have done it for millennia.

By offering our aid, however, we do not wish to interfere with your other spiritual helpers and cosmic relationships in any way, nor with any religious beliefs, affiliations or organizations of help to you. Even so, there is a great deal we would like to share.

We know Sanat Kumara well for it was he who asked us to enter this Universe. As an Ascended Master, Sanat Kumara has taken on numerous responsibilities associated with the elevation of planet Earth and this solar system. He is working for the ascension, the evolution of consciousness in the solar system, as we are.

The Pineal Gland resides, more or less, in the center of the head and is associated with the production of melatonin, which regulates our circadian rhythms (periods of wakefulness and sleep). Scientific research has shown that the pineal gland is actually embedded with calcite crystals as part of its structure.

In this esoteric sound meditation, you will focus your attention in the central area of your brain and imagine that the sounds are coming from out of the pineal gland (even though, in fact, the sounds are entering your brain through its auditory pathways). This shift in imagination (i.e., sounds emanating out of the pineal gland) will intensify the meditation’s effects.

All you need do in this meditation is keep your focus or awareness gently in the region of the pineal gland and allow the catalytic sounds to stimulate this area. When your mind wanders, gently bring it back to an awareness of the pineal gland and the sounds you are hearing.

The purpose for listening to this meditation is to stimulate latent potentials of your own pineal crystals to attune to and respond to the higher realms of spiritual light.

You can certainly listen to this recording as you might any other, but if you let the sounds be the focus of your attention they will open the doors of your perception and carry you into miraculous inner worlds that reside within you.

This can be a powerful tool in the ascension process....

It is recommended to listen to this attunement several times a week, preferrably every day.

~ Enjoy ~

Namaste ~

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Wave

I must share this which was written by my friend Niara Isley on FB. Please, do copy and share this, send it out to as many as you possibly can. Spread the word. Our Mother needs help, she needs as much healing and light as possible right now. Time is crucial!

The Wave (Heal the Gulf)Share

Today at 8:44am

Hello Friends,

This note is for everyone. I can only tag so many folks per note, but please share!

On one level or another, we are all being impacted emotionally about this oil spill disaster.

Yesterday I was out taking a walk in the southwestern beauty of where I live in Durango, CO. The trees are all leaved out, the Animas River is running high, with lots of rafters out there running the river, having a great time, playing, laughing. People were cycling along the river walk, mothers, parents out with their kids, walking their babies in strollers.

Sometimes I hate knowing as much as I do... about shadow gov't operations… but that aside, just being a good student of the sciences for so very many years. I don't have the luxury of ignoring what is going on in the gulf. I know the kind of devastation it could potentially create. I know the kind of environmental damage humanity has been continually physically assaulting the Earth with for over a hundred years, every year increasing it exponentially. I saw the writing on the wall at 17, 18 years old. I'm now 55.

So as I was looking around on my walk, I was wondering how the ecosystem I was observing will respond to this oily disaster once it works its way into the weather systems that move around the whole planet. Would the trees sicken and die? Will we be able to grow crops here of any healthy food any more? Will the Earth turn into a place of lingering pestilience, toxicity and slow death? Will we have any decent air to breathe as forests die off and under the water, the coral reefs are destroyed, along with all the plankton that make significant amounts of air to breathe? I love my children, but was I wise to have any, bring any into such a world? What of the sunny smiling playing children I saw on my walk?

I know we all, including me, blame and feel angry, even enraged at BP, oil corporations in general and at the shadow gov't. At secrecy that kept us on oil and coal-based energy when we know that other clean and free energy alternatives were available. Their feet must be nailed to the floor on this one and they must be held absolutely accountable. But to waste too much energy and time in blaming is not a luxury we can afford right now.

We have lived in a war paradigm on this planet for a very, very long time. War conducted by nations is a business of creating an enemy, particularly if they have something you want, and then justifying taking it and destroying them. Enemies are created to band one group of people together against another. But the war paradigm has become too costly to wage on our planet any more. If we don't, in the face of such a disaster as this Gulf oil spill is, rise to embrace the better angels of our nature, then we send a signal to the spiritually advanced beings who watch from their ships that we have not learned what they would wish for us to learn in order to become conscious parts of the galactic community.

It seems that this Gulf oil leak disaster is yet another huge fear in my life, and all our lives, to overcome. To deal with. To face and move through so that inspiration can enter. So that calm, clear, unfettered-by-fear thought can enter the arena and any possible positive action we can take can be undertaken. All the things I wondered about on my walk COULD happen. Especially if there is little to no resiliency left in our Earth's beleaguered ecosystem to mitigate this kind of damage. It could indeed become an extinction level event. What can we do in the face of this?

I consider myself a warrior. I wrote on a recent message thread earlier that as a warrior, I am a person who believes in action. As a spiritual warrior, I believe in right action. Violence or militant action is no answer. It's trying to defeat the enemy by becoming the enemy. Such a strategy can never work, it only ends in more violence. We must take non-violent action, as exemplified by Gandhi. Violence sends a message to the extraterrestrial races watching the world that we have not grown up, that the only thing we can think to do is return violence with violence, as we have been programmed to do for thousands of years. It's time to wake up from that nightmare. Time to evolve. Time to find a new way.


For here and now, the one new way that I envision I'm calling The Wave. Based on the power of intention work of Lynne McTaggart and Dean Radin's entangled minds research and others who are working to shed lights on the workings of consciousness and it's actions on the quantum field that WE create our reality from. Studies have shown that groups of people meditating in a city can bring down the crime rate. The more of the human collective we can mobilize for The Wave, the more impact. I'd like to see 5 million to 1 billion human beings participating in this on a regular, daily basis.

It's very simple. Wherever you are in this world, whatever time zone, at 9pm your time, take 5 minutes to visualize the oil in the gulf being cleaned up and out. Visualize it being vacuumed out, eaten by microbes, or just magically disappearing, leaving clean, clear, pristine water. Visualize the Earth herself shifting the crust under the surface of the water to seal any and all leaks, in the gulf and everywhere else. If people can turn the tide of cancer in their bodies and create “spontaneous remission” by visualizing the cancer being eaten up by their immune system cells, then as a human collective, sharing this whole world, we can collectively visualize this oil spill into remission.

This needs to be a monumental project, undertaken by huge numbers of the human collective… as I said, from 5 million to 1 billion. That much collective intentional energy from all of us can turn this tide. If everyone in their respective time zones does this, 9pm by 9pm, by 9pm, time zone by time zone around the globe, five minutes every day until we see change, this will create a continual wave of intentional healing energy around the clock on our world.

If you have not fully grasped the concepts of the quantum field, the observer effect, you may doubt this can work. Please educate yourself. At least watch “What the Bleep do We Know” or read “The Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot to begin to grasp the principles this kind of energy of thought and intention can work on. Study the work of Dean Radin and Lynne McTaggert. Make yourself a believer. And while you're educating yourself, tune in for 5 minutes at 9pm your time and add your energy to The Wave.

We are not powerless. We CAN make a difference. The illusion of space separating us from the disaster in the gulf, from each other is just that, an illusion, as quantum experiments showing the interconnection of seemingly separate particles have shown.

We can each empower ourselves to be part of the solution here. We don't have to wait and blame and stew in impotent anger about what BP/oil corporations or the governments of this world are doing or NOT doing. We can take positive, non-violent action. Express, share, honor your feelings by sharing on the page of this note. Email each other and share. We all have feelings of anger, fear and grief about what is going on. But we don't have to let it consume us, paralyze us and prevent us from taking this small positive action, spread out among so many of us around the world. We can share our feelings, draw strength, faith and hope from our sharing, and stand strong in our commitment to each doing our part to make change happen. It's our world after all. There are far more of us than those who seem to be in control.

Copy this and send it to everyone you know, get everyone on board that you possibly can.

I know there are other serious problems in this world, but this is the most serious problem we as humans face right now. The life of our entire Earth ecosystem is at stake. This is Earth in the ER… we have to stop the most life-threatening wound now, then we can address the others.

If we can awaken enough to cooperate together on this, then we may send a message to our star families that we have come of age enough, become aware enough not to repeat our mistakes of the past. They don't want to rescue unconscious children who will continue to make the same mistakes in the future. They may help those who have grown up and become conscious enough to understand their errors and are taking conscious action to correct them.

Please join in. Let's create this Wave of continuous intention to heal the gulf, to heal the oil leaks, heal the Earth's crust around the world, day after day, until we succeed.

Sending Love,



Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Galactic Federation of Light

If you ever asked yourself, who are these guy's - the Galactic Federation of Light? You will find a fantastic article and explanation on my friend Dennis W. blog again. Yeeeahhh....I am cheating a bit,while Dennis is doing all the hard work! but really, truly....this is a fantastic read. You'll enjoy it.

Blessings my friends, star brothers and sisters! I hope you find plenty to laugh about, be silly and feel pure joy and most importantly of all......Love.