Sunday, April 25, 2010


I want to apologize for having been so....absent lately. As you know, there is much happening around us but also if not more so on the inside. In other words, I have been "occupied". As crazy as some energies and situations may seem, it has also been and is a very good thing.

I have some new ideas in mind, as I feel I would like to change the blog around a wee bit. Nothing drastic, just a few changes and addings. I will still share pictures of orbs and the colored lights and whatever else decides to show up (you never know!).  But on the other hand I also would like to share more and include experiences, thoughts and interesting articles of various subjects within the spiritual and metaphysical realms. Like the wind, everything changes and like the butterfly, we flitter from flower to flower, gathering the nectar of life, and stumble upon  little "gold nuggets" on our journey. If we find truth and wisdom there to help evolve us on our earthly adventure, then we have a choice to gather and keep whatever might serve our highest purpose. That's the beauty of Life...It is ours to embrace.

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